19 May UNASO hosts the Women’s Summit 2021
On the 19th and 20th of May 2021, UNASO held the Women’s Summit under the theme “I choose to challenge”. The summit brought together women activists in the fields of HIV, SRHR and GBV.
At the end of the summit, representatives of the AGYW Coalition presented a communique in which they made the following ask:
- Government and line ministries to prioritize women and girls’ interventions in all its programs.
- Development partners to sustain funding for women and girls’ interventions in order to sustain the gains in HIV prevention and treatment, GBV and SRHR before the pandemic.
- Roll out and implementation of all proven HIV prevention interventions
- Meaningfully engagement and involvement of women and girls in related programs and processes at all levels including planning, implementation and monitoring programs.
UNASO plan to hold the summit as an annual event.
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